
1. To convert a fluid or a substance in solution into a solid or gel. 2. To clot; to curdle; to change from a liquid to a solid or gel. [L. coagulo, pp. -atus, to curdle]

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co·ag·u·late kō-'ag-yə-.lāt vb, -lat·ed; -lat·ing vt
1) to cause to become viscous or thickened into a coherent mass: CLOT <blood platelets that \coagulate blood (Sonni Efron)> <rennin \coagulates milk>
2) to subject to coagulation <high-frequency radio waves used to cut and \coagulate tissue (Alan Goldstein)> vi to become coagulated: undergo coagulation
co·ag·u·la·bil·i·ty kō-.ag-yə-lə-'bil-ət-ē n
co·ag·u·la·ble -'ag-yə-lə-bəl adj
co·ag·u·late -lət, -.lāt n COAGULUM

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co·ag·u·late (ko-agґu-lāt) [L. coagulare] 1. to undergo coagulation; to clot. 2. to cause to undergo coagulation or clotting.

Medical dictionary. 2011.