N5-(Aminocarbonyl)-l-ornithine; α-amino-δ-ureidovaleric; 5-ureidonorvaline; an amino acid formed from l-ornithine in the course of the urea cycle as well as a product in nitric oxide biosynthesis; also found in watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris) and in casein. Elevated in individuals with a deficiency of argininosuccinate synthetase or argininosuccinate lyase.
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cit·rul·line 'si-trə-.lēn; si-'trəl-.ēn, -ən n a crystalline amino acid C6H13N3O3 formed esp. as an intermediate in the conversion of ornithine to arginine in the living system
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an amino acid produced by the liver as a by-product during the conversion of ammonia to urea.
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cit·rul·line (sitґrə-lēn) an amino acid formed from ornithine and converted into arginine in the urea cycle.Medical dictionary. 2011.