A cerebral meningitis in which there is a more or less marked cellular infiltration of the meninges, often with a lymphocytic infiltration of the choroid plexuses, particularly of the third and fourth ventricles.
- lymphocytic c. a form of viral meningitis that usually occurs in young adults during the fall and winter months. Caused by a virus carried by the common house mouse. SEE ALSO: lymphocytic c. virus.
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cho·rio·men·in·gi·tis .kōr-ē-(.)ō-.men-ən-'jīt-əs, .kȯr- n, pl -git·i·des -'jit-ə-.dēz cerebral meningitis specif LYMPHOCYTIC CHORIOMENINGITIS
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cho·rio·men·in·gi·tis (kor″e-o-men″in-jiґtis) cerebral meningitis with lymphocytic infiltration of the choroid plexuses.Medical dictionary. 2011.