A subclass of tapeworms (class Cestoidea), containing the typical members of this group, including the segmented tapeworms that parasitize humans and domestic animals. SYN: Eucestoda. [G. kestos, girdle]
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Ces·to·da ses-'tōd-ə n pl a class of the phylum Platyhelminthes comprising the tapeworms and including dorsoventrally flattened parasitic usu. segmented flatworms without cilia that lack a digestive tract and typically consist of a differentiated scolex and a chain of proglottides each including a set of reproductive organs
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Ces·to·da (səs-toґdə) a subclass of Cestoidea comprising the true tapeworms, which have a head or scolex, and segments or proglottides. Adults are endoparasitic in the alimentary tract and associated ducts of various vertebrate hosts; their larval stages (cysticercus, coenurus, hydatid, sparganum) may be found in various organs or tissues. Of the eleven orders, two, Pseudophyllidea and Cyclophyllidea, contain parasitic species. Called also Eucestoda.Medical dictionary. 2011.