
1. An oxidation product of choline and a transmethylating intermediate in metabolism. 2. A class of compounds related to b.. (1) ( i.e., R3N=—CHR′—COO), e.g., glycine b.. SYN: glycine b..
- b. aldehyde an intermediate in the interconversion of b. and choline.
- b. hydrochloride an acidifying agent used in the treatment of achlorhydria and hypochlorhydria.

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be·ta·ine 'bēt-ə-.ēn n a sweet crystalline quaternary ammonium salt C5H11NO2 that was first isolated in beet juice and is used to treat homocystinuria and is also used in the form of its hydrochloride C5H11NO2·HCl as a source of hydrochloric acid esp. to treat hypochlorhydria

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be·ta·ine (beґtə-ēn) an oxidation product of choline that is a transmethylating intermediate in metabolism and has been shown to have lipotropic activity. It was found first in the sugar beet and later in many other plants, as well as in animals. It is produced synthetically, and is used in the treatment of homocystinuria. The term has also been used to designate any of a class of trimethyl derivatives of amino acids, such as carnitine, or more generally, the internal salts of quaternary ammonium bases. Called also lycine and oxyneurine.

Medical dictionary. 2011.