
Organic gold preparation with –SAu group in place of 1-OH group of glucose; used in treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and discoid lupus erythematosus. It is thought to arrest the progression of disease. SYN: gold thioglucose.

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au·ro·thio·glu·cose .ȯr-ō-.thī-ō-'glü-.kōs, -.kōz n GOLD THIOGLUCOSE

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au·ro·thio·glu·cose (aw″ro-thi″o-glooґkōs) [USP] a monovalent gold salt used in the treatment of early active rheumatoid arthritis (both adult and juvenile types) not controlled by nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, rest, and physical therapy; administered intramuscularly.

Medical dictionary. 2011.