
1. Wearing away by friction or rubbing. 2. In dentistry, physiological loss of tooth structure caused by the abrasive character of food or from bruxism. Cf.:abrasion. [L. at-tero, pp. -tritus, to rub against, rub away]

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at·tri·tion ə-'trish-ən n the act of rubbing together also the act of wearing or grinding down by friction <\attrition of teeth>
at·tri·tion·al -'trish-nəl, -'trish-ən-əl adj

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(in dentistry) the wearing of tooth surfaces by the action of opposing teeth. A small amount of attrition occurs with age but accelerated wear may occur in bruxism and with certain diets.

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at·tri·tion (ə-trishґən) [L. attritio a rubbing against] the physiologic wearing away of a substance or structure (such as the teeth) in the course of normal use.

Medical dictionary. 2011.