
The stiffening of a joint by operative means. SYN: artificial ankylosis. [arthro- + G. desis, a binding together]
- triple a. surgical fusion of the talonavicular, talocalcaneal, and calcaneocuboid joints.

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ar·throd·e·sis är-'thräd-ə-səs n, pl -e·ses -.sēz the surgical immobilization of a joint so that the bones grow solidly together: artificial ankylosis

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artificial ankylosis: the fusion of bones across a joint space by surgical means, which eliminates movement. This operation is performed when a joint is very painful, highly unstable, grossly deformed or chronically infected, or when an arthroplasty would be inadvisable or impossible. See also Charnley clamps.

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ar·thro·de·sis (ahr″thro-deґsis) [arthro- + -desis] the surgical fixation of a joint by a procedure designed to accomplish fusion of the joint surfaces by promoting the proliferation of bone cells; called also artificial ankylosis.

Medical dictionary. 2011.