
Properly hyporiboflavinosis : a nutritional condition produced by a deficiency of riboflavin in the diet, characterized by cheilosis and magenta tongue and usually associated with other manifestations of B vitamin deficiency.

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ari·bo·fla·vin·osis .ā-.rī-bə-.flā-və-'nō-səs n, pl -oses -.sēz a deficiency disease due to inadequate intake of riboflavin and characterized by sores on the mouth called also hyporiboflavinosis

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the group of symptoms caused by deficiency of riboflavin (vitamin B2). These symptoms include inflammation of the tongue and lips and sores in the corners of the mouth.

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ari·bo·fla·vin·o·sis (a-ri″bo-fla″vĭ-noґsis) [a-1 + riboflavin + -osis] deficiency of riboflavin in the diet. It produces a syndrome chiefly marked by cheilosis or cheilitis, angular stomatitis, glossitis associated with a purplish red or magenta-colored tongue that may show fissures, corneal vascularization, dyssebacia, and anemia.

Medical dictionary. 2011.