
1. The terminal branching of nerve fibers or blood vessel s in a branching treelike pattern. 2. The branched pattern formed under certain conditions by a dried smear of cervical mucus.

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ar·bo·ri·za·tion or Brit ar·bo·ri·sa·tion .är-bə-rə-'zā-shən n a treelike figure or arrangement of branching parts esp a treelike part or process (as a dendrite) of a nerve cell <the terminal \arborization of an axon>

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ar·bo·ri·za·tion (ahr″bə-rĭ-zaґshən) 1. the branching termination of certain nerve cell processes. 2. a form of the termination of a nerve fiber when in contact with a muscle fiber. 3. the treelike appearance of capillary vessels in inflamed conditions.

Medical dictionary. 2011.