
1. Relieving cough. 2. A cough remedy ( e.g., codeine). SYN: antibechic. [anti- + L. tussis, cough]

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an·ti·tus·sive .ant-i-'təs-iv, .an-.tī- adj tending or having the power to act as a cough suppressant <\antitussive action>
antitussive n a cough suppressant

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a drug, such as dextromethorphan or pholcodine, that suppresses coughing, possibly by reducing the activity of the cough centre in the brain and by depressing respiration. Some analgesic drugs also have antitussive activity, e.g. codeine, diamorphine (see heroin), and methadone.

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an·ti·tus·sive (an″te-) (an″ti-tusґiv) 1. relieving or preventing cough. 2. an agent that relieves or prevents cough.

Medical dictionary. 2011.