
Changes in excitability and conductivity in a nerve or muscle cell in the neighborhood of the anode during the passage of a constant electric current. [anelectrode + G. tonos, tension]

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an·elec·trot·o·nus .an-əl-.ek-'trät-ən-əs n the decreased irritability of a nerve in the region of a positive electrode or anode on the passage of a current of electricity through it compare CATELECTROTONUS
an·elec·tro·ton·ic -.ek-trə-'tän-ik adj

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an·elec·trot·o·nus (an″ə-lek-trotґə-nəs) [ana- + electrotonus] lessened irritability of a nerve in the region of the positive pole or anode during the passage of an electric current. anelectrotonic adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.