
Hookworm disease caused by Ancylostoma duodenale and characterized by eosinophilia, anemia, emaciation, dyspepsia, and, in children with severe chronic infections, swelling of the abdomen with mental and physical maldevelopment. SYN: ankylostomiasis, intertropical hyphemia, tropical hyphemia, miner's disease (1), tunnel disease, uncinariasis.
- cutaneous a. SYN: cutaneous larva migrans.

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an·cy·lo·sto·mi·a·sis .aŋ-ki-lō-stə-'mī-ə-səs, .an(t)-sə- or an·ky·lo·sto·mi·a·sis -kī-lō- also an·chy·lo·sto·mi·a·sis -kī-lō- n, pl -a·ses -.sēz infestation with or disease caused by hookworms esp a lethargic anemic state due to blood loss through the feeding of hookworms in the small intestine called also hookworm disease

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an infestation of the small intestine by the parasitic hookworm Ancylostoma duodenale. See hookworm disease.

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an·cy·los·to·mi·a·sis (an″sĭ-los″to-miґə-sis) 1. a type of hookworm disease in carnivores, caused by members of the genus Ancylostoma. 2. cutaneous larva migrans (def. 1).

Medical dictionary. 2011.