
Relating to an anaerobe; living without oxygen.

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an·aer·o·bic .an-ə-'rō-bik; .an-.a(-ə)r-'ō-, -.e(-ə)r- adj
1 a) living, active, or occurring in the absence of free oxygen <during heavy exercise \anaerobic respiration occurs, pyruvic acid acts as a hydrogen acceptor, and lactic acid builds up in the tissues>
b) of, relating to, or being activity in which the body incurs an oxygen debt <\anaerobic sports> <an \anaerobic workout>
2) relating to or induced by anaerobes
an·aer·o·bi·cal·ly -bi-k(ə-)lē adv

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1. of or relating to anaerobes.
2. describing a type of cellular respiration in which foodstuffs (usually carbohydrates) are never completely oxidized because molecular oxygen is not used. fermentation is an example of anaerobic respiration.

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an·aer·o·bic (an″ə-roґbik) 1. lacking molecular oxygen. 2. growing, living, or occurring in the absence of molecular oxygen; pertaining to an anaerobe.

Medical dictionary. 2011.