
Having two opposite characteristics, especially having the capacity of reacting as either an acid or a base; e.g., Al(OH)3 Ξ H3AlO3 or an amino acid. [G. amphoteroi (pl.), both, fr. ampho, both]

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am·pho·ter·ic .am(p)-fə-'ter-ik adj partly one and partly the other specif capable of reacting chemically either as an acid or as a base
am·pho·ter·ism -'ter-.iz-əm n

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am·pho·ter·ic (am-fə-terґik) [Gr. amphoteros pertaining to both] having opposite characters; capable of acting either as an acid or as a base; combining with both acids and bases; affecting both red and blue litmus.

Medical dictionary. 2011.