A condition characterized by lack of meaningful relationships with others, sometimes resulting in depersonalization and estrangement from others. [L. alieno, pp. -atus, to make strange]
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alien·ation .ā-lē-ə-'nā-shən, .āl-yə- n
1) a withdrawing or separation of a person or a person's affections from an object or position of former attachment <\alienation...from the values of one's society and family (S. L. Halleck)>
2) mental alienation
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n. (in psychiatry)
1. the experience that one's thoughts are under the control of somebody else, or that other people participate in one's thinking. It is a symptom of schizophrenia.
2. insanity.
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alien·a·tion (āl″e-ən-aґshən) [L. alienatio, from alienus strange, foreign] 1. estrangement from society; feelings of being an outsider, foreigner, or outcast. 2. estrangement from one's self; feelings of unreality or depersonalization. 3. alienation of affect; isolation of ideas from feelings, avoidance of emotional situations, and other efforts to estrange one's self from one's feelings.Medical dictionary. 2011.