Surgical procedure in which an attachment is partially severed or released so that tissue may be moved to a more distal point.
- tendon a. excision of the tendon of an eye muscle and attachment of it to a more anterior location on the globe.
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ad·vance·ment əd-'van(t)-smənt n detachment of a muscle or tendon from its insertion and reattachment (as in the surgical correction of strabismus) at a more advanced point from its insertion <flexor tendon \advancement>
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the detachment by surgery of a muscle, musculocutaneous flap, or tendon from its normal attachment site and its reattachment at a more advanced (anterior) point while preserving its previous nerve and blood supply. The technique is used, for example, in the treatment of squint and extensively in plastic surgery to cover large defects (see also pedicle).
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ad·vance·ment (ad-vansґmənt) 1. surgical detachment, as of a muscle or tendon, followed by reattachment at a point farther forward than the original position. 2. orthognathic surgery in which the mandible is moved forward.Medical dictionary. 2011.