
Broad Street Ward
   One of the twenty-six wards of the City, bounded north and east by Bishopsgate Ward, north and west by Coleman Street and Cheap Wards, and south by Walbrook and Cornhill Wards.
   Earliest mention: In list of Aldermen (1293), in which the Ward of Lotheberi "modo vocatur Bradestrate" presented as Alderman Thomas Stanes (Cal. L. Bk. C. p. 12, and Cal. L. Bk. A. p. 189 note).
   Former names : "Warda Haconis," c. 1125-30 (MSS. D. and C. St. Paul's Liber L.). "Ward of Lodingeberi" (Cal. L. Bk. A. p. 209), c. 1285. "Warda de Lotheberi," 1293 (Cal. L. Bk. C. p. 12). "Ward of William Bukerel," 1278 (Cal. L. Bk. B. p. 272). "Ward of Peter Aunger," 3 Ed. I. "Ward of Bradestrete and Lothbury," 1307-8 (Cal. L. Bk. C. p. 159).
   Called "Bradstrete," 1293 (as above). "Bradestrete," 1298 (Cal. L. Bk. B. p. 87). " Brodestreete " (S. 176).
   "Warda Haconis" may possibly refer to Coleman Street Ward.
   Named after the Street of Broad Street which intersects the ward from north to south. Notable buildings, etc., in the ward at different times.-Parish Churches : All Hallows, London Wall ; Benet (St.) Fink (now removed) ; Peter (St.) le Poor; Bartholomew (St.) by the Exchange (now removed) ; Christopher (St.) le Stocks (now removed) ; Martin (St.) Outwich. Buildings : Carpenters Hall ; The Bank of England ; Royal Exchange (part) ; Merchant Taylor's Hall ; Draper's Hall (formerly a portion of the site of the Priory of Augustine Friars (q.v.).
   Of these churches only All Hallows, London Wall, and St. Peter le Poor remain, and the nave of the Augustine Friars, now the Dutch church.

A Dictionary of London. . 1918.