
Three Cranes Lane
   South out of Upper Thames Street, at No.77, to Three Cranes Wharf (P.O. Directory). In Vintry Ward.
   First mention: (S. ed. 1603, 241). "3 Crane Lane" (Horwood, 1799).
   "So called not onely of a signe of three Cranes at a Taverne doore, but rather of three strong Cranes of Timber placed on the Vintrie wharfe by the Thames side to crane up wines there as is afore shewed; this lane was of old time, to wit the 9 Richard the 2, called the ' painted Taverne lane' of the Taverne being painted" (S. 241).
   Lane taken up by Costermongers (Strype, ed. 1720, I. iii. 13).
   "Fruiterers " in 1755 edition.
   The birds were adopted on the sign in punning allusion to the name.

A Dictionary of London. . 1918.