
I noun brand, cachet, classification, description, docket, emblem, hallmark, identification, identification tag, insignia, mark, mark of identification, marker, sign, slip, stamp, sticker, superscription, tag, ticket associated concepts: disclaimer on a label, misleading labels, trademark for a brand on a label, warning on a label II verb betoken, brand, call, call by a distinctive title, characterize, classify, define, demarcate, denominate, denote, describe, designate, differentiate, distinguish by a mark, docket, earmark, entitle, identify, imprint, indicate, mark, name, provide with nomenclature, put a mark upon, set apart, single out, specify, stamp, tag, term, ticket, title III index brand, brand (mark), call (title), classify, define, denominate, denomination, denote, designation (naming), designation (symbol), device (distinguishing mark), discriminate (distinguish), earmark, heading, identification, identify, nominate, pigeonhole, rubric (title), title (designation), trademark

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006