
I noun camouflage, confinement, cover, deceitfulness, disappearance, disguise, disguisement, duplicity, evasion, furtiveness, hiding, incognito, inconspicuousness, invisibility, nonappearance, obfuscation, obscurity, obsuration, privacy, seclusion, secrecy, secretion, secretiveness, silence, stealthiness, subterfuge, suppression, suppression of the truth associated concepts: concealment of assets, concealment of information, concealment of material fact, concealment voiding an insurance policy, concealment with intent to defraud creditors, evasive contempt foreign phrases:
- Aliud est celare, aliud tacere. — To conceal is one thing, to be silent is another
- Suppressio veri, suggestio falsi. — The suppression of truth is equivalent to the suggestion of what is false
II index artifice, color (deceptive appearance), confidence (relation of trust), disguise, evasion, mystery, nonappearance, obscuration, privacy, subterfuge, veil

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