
I adjective chaotic, contrary, contumacious, disobedient, disorderly, effrenatus, ferox, fractious, froward, hard to control, headstrong, incorrigible, indocile, insubordinate, intractable, irrepressible, lawless, mutinous, obstinate, obstreperous, out of control, perverse, rampant, rebellious, recalcitrant, refractory, resistive, restive, riotous, rowdy, stormy, stubborn, troublesome, turbulent, unbridled, uncompliant, uncomplying, uncontrollable, uncurbed, ungovernable, unmanageable, unrestrained, unsubmissive, untoward, unyielding, wanton, wayward, wild, willful II index disobedient, disordered, disorderly, fractious, froward, indomitable, insubordinate, intemperate, intractable, licentious, perverse, restive, uncontrollable, uncurbed, vicious

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006