
I noun authors, columnists, commentators, contributors, correspondents, editors, interviewers, journalistic writers, journalists, literary publications, media, members of the media, members of the press, news business, news gatherers, newsmen, newspaper world, newspaperman, newspapers, newswriters, publicists, publishers, reporters associated concepts: censorship, First Amendment, freedom of speech, freedom of the press II (beseech) verb adjure, appeal, ask earnestly, beg, call upon, enjoin, entreat, exhort, impetrate, implore, importune, petition, plead, request, supplicate, urge, urgere III (constrain) verb bear down on, bind, bring pressure to bear, coerce, command, compel, decree, demand, drive, enforce, exact, extort, force, impel, impose, insist, make, make necessary, necessitate, obligate, oblige, order, put pressure on, put under obligation, require, take no denial, urge forward, wring IV (goad) verb aggravate, agonize, annoy, badger, beset, bother, browbeat, carp at, disquiet, drive, harry, heckle, hector, hound, incite, instigare, instigate, irritate, molest, persecute, pester, plague, prod, provoke, put pressure on, stir up, taunt, tease, torment, trouble, vex, worry V index attach (seize), bait (lure), call (appeal to), call (demand), claim (demand), coax, coerce, compel, constrain (compel), constrict (compress), demand, desire, duress, enforce, exact, exhort, exigency, force (coerce), hasten, impact, impede, importune, impose (enforce), incite, inculcate, insist, jostle (bump into), lobby, motivate, plead (implore), pray, pressure (noun), pressure (verb), prompt, solicit, spirit, urge, weigh

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006