
I adjective anachronistic, anachronous, ancient, antediluvian, antiquated, antique, archaic, behind the age, behind the times, bygone, dated, defunct, demode, discarded, disused, expired, extinct, fallen into desuetude, fallen into disuse, forgotten, former, gone by, gone out, grown old, no longer customary, no longer fashionable, no longer in style, no longer prevailing, no longer prevalent, no longer stylish, not current, not in vogue, not modern, obsolescent, obsolete, of a previous fashion, of a previous style, of great age, of old, of the old order, of the old school, old, old-fashioned, old-time, old-world, olden, out-of-date, out-of-fashion, out-of-use, outmoded, outworn, passe, past, primitive, quaint, rejected, stale, styleless, superannuated, superseded, unaccepted, uncontemporary, uncurrent, unfashionable, unpracticed, unstylish II index obsolete, outmoded

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