
I (ancestry) noun ancestral descent, birth, bloodline, derivation, descent, dynasty, extraction, family, filiation, genealogical tree, genealogy, heritage, kith and kin, line, line of ancestors, line of descent, lineage, origo, parentage, parenthood, pedigree, race, stock, tribe foreign phrases:
- Origine propria neminem posse voiuntate sua eximi manifestum est — It is evident that no one by his own will can renounce his own origin.
II (source) noun beginning, birth, birthplace, cause, commencement, cradle, creation, dawn, derivation, fons, font, foundation, fountainhead, genesis, inception, initiation, nascency, nativity, onset, origo, principium, root, starting point, wellspring foreign phrases:
- Ex facto jus oritur. — Law arises out of facts
- Causa et origo est materia negotii. — The cause and origin are the substance of the transaction
III index affiliation (bloodline), ancestry, basis, birth (beginning), bloodline, cause (reason), derivation, descent (lineage), determinant, embryo, family (common ancestry), foundation (basis), genesis, ground, inception, lineage, nascency, nationality, onset (commencement), outset, parentage, paternity, progenitor, reason (basis), source, start

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006