
I verb apprehend, be anxious, be apprehensive, be cautious, be doubtful, be dubious, be loath, be nervous, be skeptical, be uncertain, cherish doubts, distrust, doubt, dread, entertain doubts, entertain suspicions, fear, give no credit to, harbor doubts, harbor suspicions, have anxiety, have doubts, have fears, have misgivings, have no faith in, have no trust in, have qualms, have reservations, have suspicions, hesitate, hold back, lack belief in, lack confidence in, lack faith in, lack trust in, misdoubt, misgive, question, regard with suspicion, shrink from, shy from, suspect, treat with reserve II index apprehension (fear), cloud (suspicion), disbelieve, discount (disbelieve), discredit, doubt (suspicion), doubt (distrust), incredulity, misdoubt, misgiving, qualm, rejection, suspect (distrust)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006