
I noun absence of restraint, accommodation, amplitude, autonomy, carte blanche, choice, discretion, ease of movement, exemption from control, expanse, expansion, extension, field, free course, free decision, free hand, free play, free thought, free will, freedom, freedom of action, full play, independence, indiscipline, largeness leverage, liberalism, libertas, liberty, license, licentia, maneuverability, margin, noninterference, nonintervention, openness, opportunity, option, play, power of choice; power to choose, range, range of choice, right of choice, room, scope, space, unconstraint, uninhibitedness, unrestraint, unstrictness, will II index coverage (scope), freedom, informality, liberty, margin (spare amount), purview, region, scope, space, territory, zone

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006