
I adjective beyond one's power, beyond one's reach, beyond the bounds of possibility, formidable, hardly possible, impassable, impenetrable, impossible, impracticable, impregnable, inaccessible, incapable of being done, incapable of being overcome, incapable of success, indomitable, inexpugnable, insoluble, insuperable, invincible, out of reach, out of the question, too difficult, too hard, unachievable, unassailable, unattackable, unattainable, unbeatable, unconquerable, undefeatable, unfeasible, unmasterable, unperformable, unrealizable, unsolvable. unsubduable, unsurmountable, unvanquishable, unviable, unworkable II index cardinal (outstanding), difficult, impossible, impracticable, indomitable, inexpugnable, insuperable, invincible, unattainable

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