
I adjective apathetic, benumbed, bewildered, blind, callous, clueless, comatose, dazed, deaf, deprived of sensation, dormant, drugged, dull, emotionless, exanimate, frigid, heedless, ignorant, imperceptive, impercipient, inanimate, incapable of feeling, incapable of perceiving, inexcitable, insensate, insensitive, insentient, obdurescere, passive, senseless, sensu carere, spiritless, stony, stupefied, supine, torporific, unacquainted, unaffected, unaroused, unaware, unconscious, undiscerning, unenlightened, unfeeling, unhearing, unknowing, unmindful, unmoved, unperceptive, unrealizing, unresponsive, unseeing, unsuspecting, untouched, unwitting, vegetating, void of feeling II index blind (not discerning), callous, incognizant, insusceptible (uncaring), intangible, lifeless (dull), oblivious, phlegmatic, reckless, torpid, unaware

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