
I noun abetment, accommodation, advantage, advice, aid, assist, assistance, auxilium, avail, backing, benefaction, benefit, benevolence, boon, care, chanty, contribution, cooperation, cure, deliverance, encouragement, expedient, facilitation, favor, fosterage, furtherance, good turn, guidance, hand, helpfulness, humanitananism, kindness, ministration, patronage, philanthropy, redress, reinforcement, relief, remedy, rescue, resource, seconding, service, stead, strengthening, subsidium, subvention, succor, support, sustenance, use, utility associated concepts: Good Samaritan II verb abet, accommodate, advance, advise, aid, alleviate, ameliorate, apply a remedy, assist, avail, back, be benevolent, be of use, benefit, better, boost, come to the aid of, contribute, cooperate, correct, cure, do a service, ease, encourage, expedite, facilitate, fix, fortify, forward, furnish assistance, further, heal, improve, intercede for, lend a hand, lend aid, lend support, make easy, oblige, patronize, promote, prop, put right, rally, reinforce, relieve, remedy, render assistance, second, serve, smooth, speed, stand by, stead, strengthen, subvenire, succor, succurrere, support, sustain, work for associated concepts: aid and abet, facilitation, rescue doctrine III index abet, accommodate, advantage, advocacy, aid (help), aid, ameliorate, assist, assistance, avail (be of use), behalf, benefactor, capitalize (provide capital), charity, coadjutant, consortium (marriage companionship), contribute (assist), contribution (participation), countenance, emend, employee, enable, endow, espouse, expedite, facilitate, favor (sanction), favor, foster, guidance, inure (benefit), largess (generosity), largess (gift), mainstay, nurture, pander, patronage (support), personnel, profit, promote (advance), promote (organize), promotion (encouragement), reassure, redress, reinforcement, relief (aid), relieve (give aid), remedy (legal means of redress), remedy (that which corrects), remedy, Samaritan, save (rescue), serve (assist), service (assistance), side, solace, staff, subsidize, support (assistance), support (assist), uphold

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