
I noun accedence, acceptio, accession, accordance, acknowledgment, acquiescence, adoption, agreement, allowance, approbation, approval, assent, assurance, compliance, comprobatio, concordance, consent, endorsement, ratification, receipt, receptiveness, resignation, sanction, tolerance, toleration associated concepts: acceptance by a grantee to a deed, acceptance by conduct, acceptance in a sale, acceptance of a bill of exchange, acceptance of a bribe, acceptance of a check, acceptance of a contract, acceptance of a draft, acceptance of a gift by a donee, acceptance of an insurance application, acceptance of an offer, acceptance of an order, acceptance of benefits, acceptance of employment, acceptance of goods, acceptance of risk, blank acceptance, conditional acceptance, constructive acceptance, conversion by acceptance, implied acceptance foreign phrases:
- Cum in corpore dissentitur, apparet nullam esse acceptionem. — When there is a disagreement in the substance of a thing, it appears that there is no acceptance
II index acquiescence, acquisition, affirmance (judicial sanction), approval, assent, assumption (adoption), charter (sanction), compliance, concession (compromise), confirmation, consent, credence, faith, indorsement, lenience, ratification, receipt (act of receiving), recognition, reliance, sanction (permission), subscription, understanding (tolerance)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006