
I adjective abounding, abundant, affluent, baggy, brimful, brimming over, charged, chockfull, cloyed, complete, comprehensive, crammed, detailed, entire, entirely occupied, exhaustive, filled, filled to utmost capacity, flowing, flush, fraught, glutted, gorged, imbued, integer, laden, loaded, mature, maximum, occupied, overflowing, packed, plenary, plenus, plethoric, replete, repletus, resonant, rich, sated, satiated, satisfied, saturated, soaked, stuffed, surfeited, swollen, teeming, total, unabridged, unstinted, well-provided, well-stocked, well-supplied, whole associated concepts: full amount, full and true value, full cash value, full consideration, full control, full faith and credit, full hearing, full opportunity to be heard, full payment, full performance, full satisfaction, full settlement, full-time employment II index absolute (complete), broad, complete (all-embracing), comprehensive, copious, gross (total), inclusive, intact, orotund, outright, plenary, populous, profuse, replete, ripe, thorough, total, unmitigated, unqualified (unlimited)

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