
I verb admonish beforehand, advise, advise against, advise beforehand, alarm, alert, alert to danger, augur, caution, caution against danger, caution beforehand, caution in advance, counsel, deter, discourage, dissuade, exhort, expostulate, forbid, forebode, forecast, foreshadow, foreshow, give fair warning, give intimation of impending evil, give notice, give previous notice to give previous warning to, give warning of possible harm, inform, make acquainted with, make aware, notify, offer a word of caution, ominate, portend, praemonere, predict, prefigure, premonish, prepare, presage, preshow, prewarn, prognosticate, prophesy, put on guard, signal, threaten, urge against, urge to take heed, vaticinate, warn, warn beforehand, warn in advance associated concepts: abandon a crime, forseeability, notice II index admonish (warn), advise, caution, counsel, notice (give formal warning), notify, portend, predict, presage, promise (raise expectations), threaten

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006