
I verb accomplish, achieve, arrive at the end of, bring to a close, bring to an end, bring to completion, cap, carry out, carry through, cease, close, come to a close, come to an end, complete, conclude, conficere, consummare, consummate, discontinue, end, finalize, halt, perfect, put a stop to, put an end to, stop, terminare, terminate, wind up foreign phrases:
- Extincto subjecto, toilitur adjunctum. — When the substance is extinguished, the incident ceases
II index accomplish, attain, cap, cease, cessation (termination), close (conclusion), close (terminate), commit (perpetrate), complete, conclude (complete), conclusion (outcome), consequence (conclusion), consummate, culminate, defeasance, denouement, deplete, desist, destination, discontinue (abandon), dispatch (dispose of), dissolution (termination), dissolve (terminate), end (termination), exhaust (try all possibilities), expend (consume), expiration, expire, extremity (death), finality, fulfill, liquidate (convert into cash), mature, outcome, pass (satisfy requirements), payoff (result) perfect, perform (adhere to), quit (discontinue), shut, stop, terminate

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