
I (background) noun acquaintance, adroitness, apprenticeship, cognizance, competence, competency, cosmopolitanism, education, empiricism, enlightenment, experientia. expertise, expertness, familiarity, instruction, judgment, ken, know-how, knowledge, learning, mastery, maturity, peritia, perspicaciousness, practical knowledge, practical wisdom, practice, preparation, proficiency, qualification, schooling, seasoning, skill, skillfulness, sophistication, teaching, training, tuition, understanding, wisdom, worldliness foreign phrases:
- Experientia per varios actus legem facit. Magistra rerum experientia. — Experience by various acts makes law. Experience is the mistress of things.
- Per varios actus legem experientia facit. — By various acts experience makes the law
II (encounter) noun adventure, befalling, circumstance, confrontation, episode, escapade, event, happening, incident, occasion, occurrence, pass, phenomenon, presentation, proceeding, situation, transpiration, venture III index bear (tolerate), common knowledge, common sense, competence (ability), discern (detect with the senses), endure (suffer), event, fact, happening, incident, information (knowledge), occasion, occurrence, partake, particular, perceive, phenomenon (unusual occurrence), skill, test

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