
I verb act the part of, actualize, be taken for, be the equivalent of, betoken, cite, connote, convey an impression, delineate, demonstrate, denote, depict, display, elucidate, embody, enucleate, evidence, evince, exhibit, explicate, express, give an example, give an instance, give concrete form to, illuminate, illustrate, indicate, instance, make clear by examples, make evident, make manifest, make obvious, make plain, manifest, picture, point to, portray, portray by example, produce an instance, render manifest, represent, show by example, signify, stand for, symbolize, typify associated concepts: exemplified copies II index bear (adduce), characterize, cite (state), clarify, comment, define, demonstrate (establish), depict, elucidate, evidence, explain, illustrate, personify, represent (portray), signify (denote)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006