
set·tle vb set·tled, set·tling
1: to resolve conclusively
settle a question of law
2: to establish or secure permanently
a settled legal principle
3: close
settle the sale of securities
settle the estate
4: to resolve a disagreement about (a court order)
no hearing to consider these objections and to settle the order had been conductedSaba v. Gray, 314 N.W.2d 597 (1981)
5 a: to fix (a price) by mutual agreement
b: to conclude (a lawsuit) by entering into an agreement negotiated by the parties usu. out of court
c: to close (as an account) by payment; also: to close by compromise and payment of less than the full amount claimed or due
1: to conclude a lawsuit by entering into an agreement
the plaintiff chose to settle out of court
2: to make a settlement of a transfer of funds
3: to adjust differences or accounts
settled with his creditors

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.