
I verb bend, camouflage, caricature, change out of recognition, change the face of, conceal, contort, corrupt, deform, disguise, disproportion, dissemble, distorquere, exaggerate, falsify, give a false idea, give a false impression, give a strained meaning, give a turn, give twist, inflate, make unlike, miscite, miscolor, misconstrue, misdescribe, misdirect, miseducate, misestimate, misexplain, misexpress, misinform, misinstruct, misinterpret, mislead, misquote, misread, misreckon, misreport, misrepresent, misshape, misteach, mistranslate, overdo, overdramatize, overstate, palter with the truth, paralogize, parody, pervert, play upon words, put a false construction on, put a false sense on, put an erroneous construction on, reshape, strain, strain the meaning, strain the sense, strain the truth, stretch, stretch the meaning, transfigure, transform, turn awry, twist, twist the meaning, twist the sense, twist the words, understate, warp, wrench, wrench the meaning, wrench the sense associated concepts: distort the truth II index bear false witness, camouflage, cloak, contort, corrupt, deface, denature, disguise, fabricate (make up), fake, falsify, invent (falsify), misapprehend, misconstrue, misemploy, misguide, misinform, misinterpret, mislead, misread, misrepresent, misstate, misunderstand, mutilate, palter, prejudice (influence), prevaricate, slant

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