
I adjective absolutistic, arbitrary, arrogant, authoritarian, authoritative, autocratic, censorious, commanding, compelling, controlling, despotic, dictatorius, dogmatic, domineering, enslaving, exacting, fanatic, fascist, highhanded, imperative, imperiosus, imperious, inexorable, inquisitorial, intimidating, ironhanded, lordly, masterful, monocratic, officious, oppressive, overbearing, peremptory, pompous, power-crazed, power-hungry, power-mad, relentless, repressive, severe, suppressive, supreme, totalitarian, tyrannical, tyrannous, uncompromising, undemocratic, unlimited, unrelenting, unrestricted, with an iron hand II index arbitrary and capricious, dogmatic, peremptory (imperative), presumptuous, relentless, strict, stringent, supercilious

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