
I (meaning) noun accepted meaning, aim, basis, bearing, cardinal point, chief constituent, chief part, denotation, design, drift, emphasis, essence, essential matter, essential meaning, essential part, exegesis, explanation, explication, exposition, force, general meaning, gist, gravamen, impact, implication, import, intent, intention, interpretation, literal interpretation, literal meaning, literal sense, literality, main point, matter, matter of cognition, meaningfulness, motif, nature, object, obvious interpretation, obvious meaning, obvious sense, plain meaning, point, prima facie, primary element, primary meaning, purport, purpose, quiddity, quintessence, salient point, scope, sense, sensus, sententia, significance, significant part, signification, significatio, spirit, subject, subject matter, substance, substantial meaning, sum, sum and substance, tenor, text, theme associated concepts: content contained in an instrument, content of a contract, content of a note II (structure) noun anatomy, arrangement of parts, body, combination, complement, composite, composition, configuration, conformation, constitution, construction, contexture, core, design, form, format, formation, framework, interrelation, makeup, nature, organization, pattern, plan, setup, style of arrangement III index complacent, component, composure, disarm (set at ease), element, factor (ingredient), inclined, ingredient, meaning, propitiate, proud (self-respecting), satisfaction (fulfilment), satisfy (fulfill), subject (topic), substance (essential nature), tenor, willing (not averse)

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