
I (awake) adjective able to recognize, active, acute, alert, alive, animate, astir, breathing, endowed with life, enlivened, existent, existing, extant, imbued with life, in existence, inspirited, live, living, mortal, vivified II (aware) adjective acquainted with, apperceptive, appreciative, apprehending, apprised, attentive, cognizant, comprehending, conscius, discerning, heedful, informed, knowing, mindful, observant, perceptive, percipient, rational, regardful, sensible, sentient, undeceived, understanding, vigilant, watchful associated concepts: conscious act, conscious disregard for others, conscious indifference, conscious reaction III index circumspect, cognizant, deliberate, express, familiar (informed), intentional, knowing, perceptive, premeditated, receptive, sensible, sensitive (discerning), willful

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006