
I (join together) verb adligare, amalgamate, annex, append, assemble, attach, band, band together, bind, blend, bridge, bring in contact with, cement, coalesce, cohere, combine, conjoin, connectere, consolidate, couple, entwine, fasten together, fuse, gather, graft, harness together, hook, hyphenate, interlink, interlock, intertwine, interweave, iungere, join, knit, lace, league, link together, lock, marry, match, meet, merge, pair, partner, put together, solder, subjoin, tie, touch, unite, verge on, wed II (relate) verb affiliate, ally, appertain to, associate, bracket, bridge, cohere, consociate, correlate, draw a parallel, group, integrate, interconnect, interrelate, link together, make relevant, match, pertain to, relate, show a relationship, show affinity, show as cognate, show as kindred, show relation, show resemblance, show similarity, span associated concepts: connect the suspect to the crime III index abut, adjoin, affiliate, affix, annex (add), append, attach (join), bond (hold together), border (bound), cement, combine (join together), commingle, conjoin, consolidate (strengthen), consolidate (unite), contact (touch), desegregate, engage (involve), implicate, involve (implicate), involve (participate), join (bring together), juxtapose, lock, pool, refer (direct attention), relate (establish a connection), unite

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006