
I adjective arcane, behind the scenes, camouflaged, clandestinus, cloaked, collusive, concealed, confidential, conspiring, covert, cunning, disguised, ensconced, evasive, furtive, furtivus, hidden, in the background, irrevealable, masked, obscure, screened, secluded, secret, secretive, shrouded, sneaking, stealthy, stifled, subterranean, suppressed, surreptitious, undercover, underground, underhand, underhanded, undisclosed, unknown, unrevealed, unseen, veiled, with secret design associated concepts: clandestine adultery, clandestine importation, clandestine marriage, clandestine meeting II index allusive, collusive, covert, evasive, furtive, hidden, mysterious, personal (private), private (confidential), privy, secret, sly, stealthy, surreptitious, unobtrusive

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