above the average, beyond compare, brought to perfection, chief, choice, crowning, distinguished, exceptional, exemplary, extraordinary, faultless, favorite, first-class, first-rate, flawless, foremost, greater, highest, impeccable, incomparable, inimitable, matchless, maximum, most desirable, most excellent, optimal, optimus, outstanding, paramount, peerless, perfect, preeminent, quintessential, record-breaking, sans pareil, second to none, select, superfine, superior, superlative, supernormal, supreme, surpassing, top-level, top-notch, topmost, transcendent, unapproached, unequaled, unparalleled, unrivaled, uppermost, without comparison
associated concepts: best ability, best and highest use, best bid, best efforts, best energies, best evidence, best interests, best interests of a child, best interests of the public, best judgment, best quality, best skill and discretion or judgment, best testimony
absolute (ideal), cardinal (outstanding), premium, prime (most valuable), select, subdue, superlative, transcend, utmost
Burton's Legal Thesaurus.
William C. Burton.