
levy 1 /'le-vē/ n pl lev·ies
1: an act of levying: as
a: the imposition or collection of a tax
b: the seizure according to a writ of execution of real or personal property in a judgment debtor's possession to satisfy a judgment debt
2: an amount levied: tax
providing for a levy of 3% on income up to $10,000 — D. Q. Posin
levy 2 vb lev·ied, levy·ing
1: to impose or collect (as a tax or fine) with authority
allow it to levy stiffer penalties for some safety violationsNational Law Journal
2: to enforce or carry into effect (a writ of execution) compare attach, garnish
vi: to enforce a writ of execution or attachment; specif: to make a seizure of real or personal property in a judgment debtor's possession
they might as a last resort levy on his merchandise — J. J. White and R. S. Summers

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.