
I (nonattendance) noun abandonment, absentia, abstention, avoidance, defection, desertion, nonappearance, nonpresence, removal, truancy, withdrawal associated concepts: absence from the state, absent creditors, absent debtor, absent defendant, absent from a jurisdiction, leave of action foreign phrases:
- Absentem accipere debemus eum qui non est eo loci in quo petitur. — We must consider absent he who is not in that place in which he is sought
II (omission) noun deficiency, deprivation, disappearance, hiatus, inadequacy, lack, need, negation, nonbeing, nonexistence, shortage, unavailability, void, want associated concepts: absence of counsel, absence of fraud, absence of funds, absence of heirs, absence of issue, absence of negligence, absence of notice, absence of wrongdoing III index blank (emptiness), dearth, deficiency, deficit, desuetude, furlough, insufficiency, need (deprivation), nonresidence, nonuse, paucity, poverty, privation

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