
I adjective appealing conclusively, appealing forcibly, authoritative, commanding, compelling, conclusive, convincing, definite, definitive, demonstrable, demonstrating, determinative, effective, effectual, efficacious, evidential, forceful, forcible, incontestable, incontrovertible, indubitable, inducive, influential, irrefragable, irrefutable, irresistible, logical, meritorious, of consequence, past dispute, persuasive, potent, powerful, proving, puissant, reliable, solid, sound, strong, suasive, substantial, telling, to the point, trenchant, trustworthy, unanswerable, unconfuted, undeniable, undoubtable, undoubted, unequivocal, unquestionable, valid, veridical, weighty, well-founded, well-grounded II index clear (certain), coherent (clear), convincing, important (urgent), influential, irresistible, logical, persuasive, potent, powerful, predominant, sound

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006