
I verb adapt, adjust, alter, be converted, be inconstant, be irresolute, convert, convertere in, deviate, displace, diverge, evolve, exchange, fluctuate, give in exchange, go through phases, immutare, innovate, interchange, make a transition, make different, make over, metamorphose, modify, modulate, permute, put in the place of, recast, recondition, reconstruct, reform, regenerate, remake, reorganize, replace, resolve into, restyle, revise, revive, revolutionize, show phases, subrogate, substitute, switch, switch around, transfigure, transform, transmogrify, transmute, transubstantiate, turn from, turn into, variegate, vary associated concepts: additions and alterations, change in circumstances, change in conditions, change in occupancy, change in ownership, change in title, change of address, change of beneficiary, change of domicile, change of duties, change of name, change of ownership, change of parties, change of position, change of possession, change of venue, immaterial change, major change, minor change, permanent change, proposed change II index adapt, adjust (resolve), affect, alter, alternative (substitute), amend, amendment (correction), commute, conflict, convert (change use), denature, development (progression), difference, digression, diversification, emend, exchange, fluctuate, innovation, interchange, modification, modify (alter), money, nonconformity, pass (advance), progress, reassign, reclassification, reconversion, redress, reform (noun), reform (verb), remedy, reorganization, replace, replacement, reversal, revise, revision (process of correcting), subrogation, succedaneum, tamper, transform, transition, vacillate, vary

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006