amount, appraisal, appraisement, charge, compensation, cost, disbursement, due, estimate, estimation, exaction, exchange value, expenditure, expense, fare, fee, figure, outlay, payment, premium, pretium, purchase money, quotation, rate, recompense, selling price, toll, valuation, value, worth
associated concepts: abatement of price, contract price, established price, fair price, inadequacy of price, market price, market value, price adjustment, price control fee schedules, price discrimination, price fixing, reasonable price, retail price, stipulated price
foreign phrases:
- Emptor emit quam minimo potest, venditor vendit quam maximo potest. — The buyer purchases for the least he can; the seller sells for the most he can.
bid, charge (cost), collection (payment), evaluate, expenditure, expense (cost), fare, fee (charge), gratuity (bribe), par (face amount), rate (noun), rate (verb), recompense, value, worth
Burton's Legal Thesaurus.
William C. Burton.