
external autoscopy
   A term introduced in or shortly before 1903 by the French physician and psychologist Paul Auguste Sollier (1861-1933) to denote a type of "autoscopy (i.e. 'seeing one self) characterized by a "visual or "compound hallucination depicting the body s exterior features. Sollier uses the term external autoscopy in opposition to "internal autoscopy (i.e. a visual hallucination displaying the body's internal organs). He classifies both external and internal " autoscopic hallucinations as " coenesthetic hallucinations.
   Dening, T.R., Berrios, G.E. (1994). Autoscopic phenomena. British Journal of Psychiatry, 165, 808-817.
   Sollier, P. (1903). Les phénomènes d'autoscopie. Paris: Félix Alcan.

Dictionary of Hallucinations. . 2010.